Obsah z Kerio.com bude přemístěn na GFI.com 1.května 2019

Kerio Blog

Track Version On All Your Kerio Installations

As you probably know Kerio API is not designed only for managing some stuff but is also great for couple of other things, such as for tracking version on all your Kerio installations.
How? Let's take a closer look.

Here at Kerio we use an application for this purpose running as mashup code on Kerio Workspace. It simply periodically asks servers running all across Kerio offices around the world. Yes! We use the API.

We wanted a really simple page where anyone can see their installed version, build and time when the version has been deployed. Of course, all information have been updated automatically. And so it has started. In these days we track over 40 internal servers. Shh.. this is confidental. :-)

<iframe frameborder="0" width="100%" height="400" src="http://appserver/">
Sorry! Your browser does not support frames.

As a next natural step we wanted to give our users the same opportunity and released a simple application called My Servers.

All your servers at a single place, with a simple intuitive dashboard. Enter server address, username and password ... click click ... Done! That super easy it is.

Do you want similar page running inside your Kerio Workspace or standalone?

Download Kerio APIs Client Library for PHP, take a look on sample application My Servers and start tracking your Kerio installation even today.

mosladil's picture
About the Author

Senior Developer @mosladil

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