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Kerio Technologies Launches Global Extended-Hours Telephone Technical Support

San Jose, Calif., June 15, 2011 - In a commitment to providing partners and customers the highest level of technical and product support, Kerio Technologies announced that it has extended its service hours for telephone support to 24 hours a day, Monday through Friday GMT. In order to offer expanded support, the technical service teams in four Kerio offices located in the USA, UK, the Czech Republic and Australia will create a global phone support queue. Customers will be transferred internally to an office that is open, and will not have to pay additional international calling charges.

"Kerio has reached a level where we have grown our customer base to more than 50,000, and have customers in every region of the world," said Josef Zacharias, VP of Support and Training, Kerio Technologies. "As we have expanded, we recognized that it is essential to expand our level of support to ensure our partners and customers continue to enjoy best-in-class assistance from Kerio. Extended-hours support will ensure peace of mind for customers knowing that Kerio is always just a phone call away."

Customers and resellers will continue to call their local Kerio office as they have done in the past. When calling during standard business hours for the local Kerio office, technical support will continue to be provided in respective local languages. When calling a "non-English speaking" local Kerio office outside of standard business hours, the system will offer the caller the option to be routed to another Kerio office that is open at the time, where the call will be answered by an English speaking support representative. The caller can then choose to continue with the call. When calling an "English speaking" local Kerio office outside of standard business hours, the call will be transferred automatically.

In addition to extended-hours telephone support, technical support tickets can also be created online at support.kerio.com.

About the Author

Kerio Technologies
Kerio Technologies

Společnost Kerio Technologies poskytuje světově uznávaná řešení pro komunikaci, spolupráci a síťovou bezpečnost do více než 60 000 firem a milionům uživatelů po celém světě. Produkty Kerio jsou distribuovány prostřednictvím sítě více než 6 000 obchodních partnerů. Kerio je úspěšný technologický lídr se sídlem v San Jose v Kalifornii a pobočkami ve Velké Británii, České republice, Rusku, Austrálii a Brazílii.

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