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Kerio names Mirek Kren as Chief Operating Officer as part of company reorganization

Kerio names Mirek Kren as Chief Operating Officer as part of company reorganization

San Jose, Calif, Feb. 12, 2015 - Today Kerio Technologies announced the formation of a new division and the appointment of Mirek Kren to the new position of Chief Operating Officer and General Manager. Kren, a seasoned business leader with nearly 12 years of Kerio experience, will lead the Kerio division. Prior to the appointment, Kren headed the global sales team and was responsible for internal business systems. During his tenure, he expanded Kerio's presence into new markets including opening offices in Russia, Brazil and Australia.

The changes follow the company's best ever financial year in 2014, featuring double digit revenue growth, and also see Kerio introducing a new Samepage division to focus on the continued growth of the Samepage service.

"With Samepage we are developing a ground-breaking online collaboration platform - which is very different in terms of business stage and business model to Kerio Connect, Control and Operator" said Scott Schreiman, CEO of Kerio Technologies. "As the demand for both our traditional Kerio products and the Samepage service has grown, we've reached a point where dedicated management and employee attention will facilitate continued further growth for both businesses."

Kren will drive business and product strategy and lead day-to-day operations of the Kerio division, while Schreiman remains CEO of Kerio Technologies with responsibility for the overall performance of the company, as well as being the operating CEO of the Samepage division.

"These are very exciting times for the company and looking ahead, this change will result in better product, support, sales and marketing for Kerio Connect, Control and Operator as well as Samepage," said Kren. "With a great team across both the company and our partner network, I am looking forward to leading Kerio to the next level in product innovation and market success."

About the Author

Kerio Technologies
Kerio Technologies

Společnost Kerio Technologies poskytuje světově uznávaná řešení pro komunikaci, spolupráci a síťovou bezpečnost do více než 60 000 firem a milionům uživatelů po celém světě. Produkty Kerio jsou distribuovány prostřednictvím sítě více než 6 000 obchodních partnerů. Kerio je úspěšný technologický lídr se sídlem v San Jose v Kalifornii a pobočkami ve Velké Británii, České republice, Rusku, Austrálii a Brazílii.

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