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Kerio Launches Private Cloud Email With Kerio Connect 8

New Cloud Infrastructure Managed by Kerio, Gives Customers Access to a Scalable and "Headache Free" Email Experience

SAN JOSE, Calif., December 4, 2012 - Kerio Technologies today launched a new cloud service infrastructure for its partners and customers. Although Kerio previously enabled its channel partners to host Kerio Connect on their own hardware using the SaaS model, this marks Kerio's first major push into true, hosted infrastructure services. The first Kerio Cloud offering will be the company's flagship product, Kerio Connect 8, a messaging (email) and calendaring server.

Unlike cloud email solutions such as Microsoft Office 365 or Google Apps, Kerio offers its customers a private cloud experience, which in turn allows them more control over their own data.

"Pundits have touted cloud services and predicted the demise of on-premise solutions for a few years now," said Scott Schreiman, CEO, Kerio Technologies. "While customer data suggests that onsite servers are still very popular, we think Kerio Cloud is the most secure and flexible solution for the IT guy that is looking for an alternative, but is still evaluating the cloud. Our private cloud not only eliminates the need for partners to carry the hardware burden, it allows them to focus their energy on adding value instead of worrying about the availability of email services."

The way it works: Kerio Cloud is a hosted infrastructure service that allows Kerio partners to resell Kerio "Software as a Service" to their end customers, eliminating the need to purchase and maintain their own server environments. Kerio will provide its partners with private virtual machines running Kerio Connect 8 in the cloud with some basic configuration. The Kerio partner will take it from there, acting as the primary administrator and support contact for their clients.

"We have long offered Kerio Connect as an alternative to Exchange and Google Apps," said Walter Huff, president of Huff Technologies, a Kerio preferred partner in Jacksonville, Florida. "As email has moved to the cloud, I was anxious to participate in the Kerio Cloud beta program, and after testing with my clients, I can report that the reliability, security and ease of administration rivals any other email service on the market."

The suggested retail price for Kerio Connect Cloud is $10 per user per month; however Kerio partners have the flexibility to set their own price based on bundled services and local competitive forces.

Kerio Connect 8 features the new Kerio Connect client, which is a completely redesigned Webmail experience that has been rebuilt from the ground up to deliver the performance and experience users expect from a modern web application. Email, calendars, contacts, tasks and notes are fully functional in the Kerio Connect client.

In addition to this new cloud offering, Kerio Connect 8 continues to be available as an on-premise server solution and through our existing SaaS hosting partners.

About the Author

Kerio Technologies
Kerio Technologies

Společnost Kerio Technologies poskytuje světově uznávaná řešení pro komunikaci, spolupráci a síťovou bezpečnost do více než 60 000 firem a milionům uživatelů po celém světě. Produkty Kerio jsou distribuovány prostřednictvím sítě více než 6 000 obchodních partnerů. Kerio je úspěšný technologický lídr se sídlem v San Jose v Kalifornii a pobočkami ve Velké Británii, České republice, Rusku, Austrálii a Brazílii.

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