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Kerio Connect 7.1 Offers Native Support for BlackBerry

Latest Release of Kerio Connect Integrates with BlackBerry Enterprise Server Providing over-the-air Synchronization of Mail, Contacts, and Calendars

SAN JOSE, California - August 3, 2010 - Kerio Technologies, Inc., a leading innovator in IT security and messaging, today announced that Kerio Connect 7.1, a messaging and collaboration server, has been updated with improvements to its mobile connectivity options. Most prominent is the new Kerio Connector for BlackBerry, which provides synchronization between Kerio Connect and all BlackBerry devices.

"In Kerio Connect 7.1, we've focused on BlackBerry. BlackBerry smartphones work best with BlackBerry Enterprise Server or BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express, and we've made sure Kerio Connect 7.1 supports these servers natively," says Dusan Vitek, VP of Worldwide Marketing at Kerio Technologies. "Mobile email has been wildly successful with our customers, and we will continue to deliver the broadest variety of wireless email options in the industry, including the iPhone and Android phones."

"This is a welcome message for everyone with a lot of BlackBerry users. Where Microsoft SBS used to be the only option for SMB customers with remotely managed BlackBerry phones, Kerio Connect is now a viable and better long-term option for those hitting the technical limitations of their Microsoft SBS server." says Josh Turiel, Managing Partner at JH Turiel and Associates, a Preferred Partner of Kerio, based in Beverly, Massachusetts.

Kerio Connector for BlackBerry syncs data between BlackBerry Enterprise Server and Kerio Connect. IT administrators must install Kerio Connector for BlackBerry on their BlackBerry Enterprise Server or BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express. Customers get the full manageability of their smartphones directly from BlackBerry Enterprise Server and users can use the native email, contact and calendar applications that ship with every BlackBerry phone.

Open communication standards embraced by Kerio Connect 7.1 provide new choices for customers preferring the popular iPhone 4. CardDAV and CalDAV synchronization protocols allow any user with an iPhone and iOS 4 to wirelessly synchronize contacts and calendar data between Kerio Connect and the iPhone.

Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync protocol has been supported in Kerio Connect for many years and now comes with a new tweak to address the rising demand for viewing public folders on mobile devices.

"A rapid shift in the adoption of shared and public folders made us look hard into improving the quality of experience for our most progressive mobile customers," says Tomas Soukup, Product Development Manager for Kerio Connect. "We've built a brand new method for syncing shared and public folders with smartphones over the Exchange ActiveSync protocol, giving our customers a strong benefit they will not find elsewhere."

Kerio Connect 7.1 ships with a new high-performance anti-virus and anti-malware scan engine from Sophos, and is fully compatible with the new Microsoft Outlook 2010.

Providing the widest choice of deployment options of any messaging and collaboration solution, Kerio Connect runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and is also available as a production-ready virtual appliance on the VMware and Parallels platforms.

About the Author

Kerio Technologies
Kerio Technologies

Společnost Kerio Technologies poskytuje světově uznávaná řešení pro komunikaci, spolupráci a síťovou bezpečnost do více než 60 000 firem a milionům uživatelů po celém světě. Produkty Kerio jsou distribuovány prostřednictvím sítě více než 6 000 obchodních partnerů. Kerio je úspěšný technologický lídr se sídlem v San Jose v Kalifornii a pobočkami ve Velké Británii, České republice, Rusku, Austrálii a Brazílii.

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