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Kerio and Jump I.T. Drive Business Growth Through Email Collaboration and Communication

Jump I.T. fights for top sales honors among VARs in Canada, reaching
Preferred Partner Status with Kerio Connect

SAN JOSE, California - April 27, 2010 - Kerio Technologies, Inc., a leading innovator in IT security and messaging, recognizes Toronto-based Jump I.T. as a Kerio Preferred Partner. Jump I.T., the professional services division of Computer Systems Centre, has advanced to the highest level of the Kerio Partner Program. Leveraging Kerio Connect, a messaging and collaboration server, Jump I.T. has transitioned leading Ontario companies to more effective and integrated communication systems.

Jump I.T. works with clients to deploy, maintain and utilize the best technologies to streamline their operations. As a Kerio value-added reseller, they offer communications and collaboration solutions including hosted email, network assessments and implementation. Their corporate account teams evaluate and recommend Kerio Connect as a hosted or on-premise solution that is best aligned with each organization's business growth objectives.

"Our clients are looking to simplify their email infrastructure in order to re-direct human and financial capital to technology projects, which create a sustainable competitive advantage," said James Christopher, COO of Jump I.T. "Kerio Connect, unlike Microsoft Exchange, allows us to implement and manage messaging and collaboration environments that our clients can bet their business upon."

"In business, communications is your lifeline. We needed something more than just email to achieve our goals. Kerio Connect has proven to be highly scalable and extremely reliable," said Simon Falcon, CIO of TAXI, Inc., a global advertising agency. "With enterprise features such as mobile access, calendaring, resource management, LDAP and spam control, it covers the needs of our 300+ users across the globe. Users have access to their e-mail, calendars and directory information from their iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android smartphones, desktops, laptops and via the web. There's no better way to stay connected. You can be confident that with Kerio and Jump I.T. you'll have all your bases covered. Jump I.T. has a wealth of experience when it comes to providing solutions for business critical functions. They'll work with you to fully understand your business objectives and achieve results."

"I have found the Kerio Connect performance to be outstanding," said George Athanasiou, Director of Information Technology and Production at Perennial Inc., a retail design company in Toronto, Canada. "Partnering with Jump I.T., I have implemented Kerio Connect across multiple platforms, clients, and domains, and its ease of use and administration make Kerio Connect a cost-effective, enterprise e-mail solution alternative to Microsoft Exchange."

"Jump I.T.'s expertise and dedication to Kerio's brand has translated into a strong value proposition for customers," said Dusan Vitek, VP of Worldwide Marketing, Kerio Technologies, Inc. "We continue building our Kerio Partner Program to help VARs grow with us."

To learn more about the Kerio Partner Program and to become a partner, please visit: www.kerio.com/partners.

About Jump I.T.
Jump I.T., the professional services division of Computer Systems Centre, is Canada's largest independent Apple reseller as well as an authorized reseller and service provider for Apple, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Microsoft, and Toshiba. Jump I.T.'s focus is on IT consultancy, unified communications technologies for organizational collaboration and digital media workflow solutions for rich media applications for communication and education. Whether companies need a network to connect their computers at the office, a customized solution to a unique situation or guidance on a complex technical issue, Jump I.T. offers businesses the assistance of their team of expert consultants, certified network engineers and experienced technicians. For more information, please visit: www.jumpit.ca.

About the Author

Kerio Technologies
Kerio Technologies

Společnost Kerio Technologies poskytuje světově uznávaná řešení pro komunikaci, spolupráci a síťovou bezpečnost do více než 60 000 firem a milionům uživatelů po celém světě. Produkty Kerio jsou distribuovány prostřednictvím sítě více než 6 000 obchodních partnerů. Kerio je úspěšný technologický lídr se sídlem v San Jose v Kalifornii a pobočkami ve Velké Británii, České republice, Rusku, Austrálii a Brazílii.

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