Obsah z Kerio.com bude přemístěn na GFI.com 1.května 2019

Kerio Blog

Samepage Debut at Startup Grind Silicon Valley

Samepage Debut at Startup Grind Silicon Valley

For the past two days, I got to show-off Samepage.io to an audience of entrepreneurs, startups, investors and the like at Start Up Grind Silicon Valley. In my seven years in marketing, I have attended 100+ events and must say this was one of the most successful, fulfilling events yet.

Everyone at the show "got" Samepage. What I mean is they were able to see that it is easy-to-use, understand, and setup. They also grasped how Samepage makes a lot of business sense because it helps people work better together. Virtually everyone I talked to said, "I could totally use this at my company." 95% of people we talked to signed up for a free account (and after the first day, 85% activated those accounts!).

With the resounding success of this show, I think you will see more of us in Samepage hoodies hitting the streets, coming to a city near you.



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