Obsah z Kerio.com bude přemístěn na GFI.com 1.května 2019

Kerio Blog

A new home for Kerio Collaboration

Hi, my name is Joshua Ellinger and I am the global webmaster here at Kerio Technologies. At the Kerio Innovation Lab we have been working hard to bring new ways to collaborate with, and connect with you, the Kerio Community. This is a unique opportunity for us to test new ideas, bring you deeper explanations of our products. Additionally, this is a unique opportunity to allow us to see what you have to say about our thoughts, ideas and plans.

Why now? We are on the verge of some exciting changes. Kerio Connect (formerly known as Kerio MailServer) is now in Release Candidate stage and we look forward to it's upcoming release. Here at Kerio we feel that this product has outgrown the name MailServer. We are very excited about this development, and in true Kerio spirit want to give you the opportunity to comment on our new developments.

You can expect in the coming weeks and months to hear more about the new Kerio Connect, and other exciting news and events from an array of friendly people here at Kerio. This blog is not only for our upcoming rebrand but to give you a wider window into life here at Kerio. We are committed to making quality products and part of that quality process is listening to you. The Kerio community.

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