Obsah z Kerio.com bude přemístěn na GFI.com 1.května 2019

Kerio Blog

Kerio Opens up API to Help Developers Integrate and Customize Kerio Connect

As you probably know, we launched the latest version of Kerio Connect last month. And, if you are a regular reader of this blog, you know one of the major features of Connect 7.2 is its native support of Microsoft Outlook 2011 for the Mac audience. Looking at the big picture, the hard work (and it was hard) we completed to offer native Outlook 2011 support is an example of Kerio's philosophy to offer an OPEN communication platform that supports as many platforms, clients, and devices as possible.

With that in mind, I'd like to introduce the new Kerio Connect Administration API, which is now in public beta. Administration API is an open (there's that word again) platform that allows administrators and developers easy access to the Kerio Connect server in order to integrate it with third party solutions, to write their own scripts and tools that simplify their work, or to adapt the product to better fit their IT environment. For example, an administrator might:

  • Monitor the status and number of active connections of all the Kerio Connect servers administered from one location
  • Automate repetitive tasks like creating or updating user accounts, groups or mailing list membership based on data in the internal system
  • Export various data about mail server usage or user accounts for statistical or accounting needs
  • Automatically synchronize spam filter rules with public filter rules on the Web
  • Automatically launch backups based on custom company rules or based on other system requirements; or backup to additional locations

All actions that are available in the Kerio Connect web administration interface can be accessed via the Administration API (yes, we used the same API to build the web-admin interface). The API is designed to be accessible with very little effort from any programming language. You just connect over HTTPS, send a request in a well-known human-readable format (JSON) and receive a response in the same format.

Our goal is to make Kerio Connect the true communication and collaboration hub for an SMB company. And, to do so in and open manner that provides total freedom for both administrators and employees.

Sound interesting?

Now, here is where we need your help in reaching our goal. As always, we value the feedback of our partners and customers and are actively seeking beta testers for Kerio Connect Administration API. Your valuable feedback will help us to make it as user-friendly and productive as possible.

If you are interested, you can join the Kerio Connect Administration API beta testing program at:



tsoukup's picture
About the Author

Tomas leads the Big Data and the UI team at Samepage.io.

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