Obsah z Kerio.com bude přemístěn na GFI.com 1.května 2019

Kerio Blog

It's a really bad idea to forget that IPv6 can be a security hole in your network

It's a really bad idea to forget that IPv6 can be a security hole in your network

As IPv6 makes its way to corporate networks, power users are finding creative ways to bypass corporate security controls. For ages, IPv4 firewalls were all we needed - UTMs got mature and - configured correctly - were very safe. Now with IPv6 networks, it's a bit more tricky to make sure the network is as secure as ever against intruders or internal power users or otherwise well-meaning users.

We just launched Kerio Control UTM, our most advanced security UTM appliance. It gives customers a complete package of firewall security, intrustion prevention, content blocker and antivirus protection for mixed IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Previously, it was easy enough to just block all IPv6 traffic. Today, as internet service providers begin to embrace IPv6, re-build their plumbing to support it and start to push IPv6 connectivity down the pipe to end customers, the situation is different and requires an adequate protection at the entry point to a local area network.

But that's not all that's new in Kerio Control. The new dynamic Content Filter allows administrators to block specific applications or categories of applications, rather than applying a more time-consuming and less reliable method of port-based blocking. The new payload analyzer responds dynamically to changing network and communication behavior of applications allowing administrators to respond to threats or unwanted traffic much faster than ever before.

We built Kerio Control into the most advanced firewall and UTM solution for the mid-market. The all-in-one appliance Kerio Control sits between the entry-level and high-end UTM appliances. We're especially proud of the intuitive built-in administration interface which walks Kerio administrators through steps in configuration, management and monitoring of the UTM, helping to eliminate any administration-related problems with network availability and security.

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