Obsah z Kerio.com bude přemístěn na GFI.com 1.května 2019

Kerio Blog

Introducing Kerio Operator 1.2

Today, Kerio announced significant enhancements to its IP PBX (VoIP) solution. Kerio Operator 1.2 is now based on Asterisk 1.8, which is the engine behind the new features in this version, and will play an even larger role in future innovation. We've also added support for analog phone lines through a Digium TDM410 card so organizations that have limited SIP connectivity can take advantage of Kerio Operator's VoIP features.

In short, Kerio Operator 1.2 is all about security and simplicity for our partners, the IT manager/administrator, and the actual employees who are making and receiving calls.

If you follow this blog, you know Kerio has been on a mission to move SMB/SME telephony away from the traditional technician once and for all, and make it a function of the IT department. We've been educating our channel and existing customers base over the past year and have made significant strides. In fact, the education goes both ways and some of Kerio Operator 1.2's new features - like call pickup and BLF support - are a direct result of the feedback we have received from you.

I guess you could say we want IP voice to no longer be the "redheaded stepchild" of the IT space. And, with Kerio Operator, it doesn't need to be.

To check out all that is new with Kerio Operator 1.2 please visit our What's New page here.

Also, Kerio Operator 1.2 marks the debut of our revamped product documentation. The new Kerio Knowledge Base System will give readers the ability to evaluate and comment on articles, share their practical experience with others, and suggest possible workarounds to common dilemmas. Our goal is build a strong community around the Kerio product portfolio.


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