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Fun and Volcanic? What is it really like to work at Kerio?

Fun and Volcanic? What is it really like to work at Kerio?

Brian Tate (Senior Distribution Manager), Pavel Dostál (Senior Developer) and Martin Kuchař (Senior Developer/DTL) have just celebrated their ten year work anniversaries. Plus, Lenka Polaková (Finance Director) and Brian Carmichael (Senior Training Engineer) have recently celebrated fifteen years at Kerio.

With five more people reaching such milestones within our company, we wanted to find out what they think of Kerio. Here's what they told us...

How did you find out about Kerio?

BT: “I was told about a channel manager position by a Kerio employee.”

PD: “From Michal Ježek, my long time friend and VP of Engineering at Kerio.”

MK: “A colleague from a previous job told me about Kerio. I looked the company up and realized I liked the way they worked.”

LP: “I worked in the same building as Kerio. One day Tomas Hnetila (one of the founders) approached my desk and offered me a full-time job - I said yes!"

BC: “I was in college looking for software to share my Internet connection with my roommates and found Kerio. After installing Kerio Control I had an immediate appreciation for its efficiency and simplicity. I then noticed that Kerio were hiring, so I applied for a position and got hired.”

Was there anything that stood out about your first day at Kerio?

BT: “I found it very refreshing to see how friendly and laid back the company was. Everyone seemed to be working towards a common goal, making Kerio successful.”

MK: “Everything was ready and waiting for me. I was able to start work immediately.”

BC: “I was excited, especially when I found beer in the fridge!”

Can you describe Kerio in one word?

BT: “Fun.”

PD: “This is impossible task.”

MK: “Mountain.”

LP: “My other child.”

BC: “Volcano.”

What does Kerio mean to you on a personal and professional level?

BT: “Over 10 years much changes, but Kerio has been a constant. I love the place and I love the people.”

PD: “It’s a positive place to work with an opportunity to learn and grow – I may be stressed by tasks, but never by the people around me.”

MK: “Kerio offers a great opportunity to contribute to excellent products.”

LP: “I’ve met plenty of great people at Kerio and have grown so much. I started as an accountant, and now I am a Finance Director. It’s been an amazing experience!”

BC: “Great products attract great talent, and Kerio is full of many brilliant and passionate people that I'm proud to work along side every day.”

What are some of your fondest memories of your 10 years at Kerio?

BT: “I have worked hard with my colleagues in many different countries across the world to build our success but not only do we work hard, we play hard. I have burned in the Caribbean sun with them, dived with them off the Thai coast, sailed down the Thames, emptied vineyards in California and danced the night away many times in Cambridge.”

PD: “I was nearing the end of my probationary period and was called into a meeting with my manager. It was a great day to be told that he liked my work and offered me continued employment at Kerio.”

MK: “After 10 years at Kerio I can say that everyday I work on something interesting and I have never been bored at work.”

LP: “The first Kerio team building event in Solenice was amazing.”

BC: “The first time I visited Pilsen and tasted the beer. And, pretty much all of the holiday parties.”

Can you recall a funny moment you've had at Kerio?

BT: “At the Kerio 10th anniversary party in Pilsen we were all having fun jumping into the pool and pushing each other in. I decided it would be a good idea to throw in a colleague and ignored his pleas for me not to throw him in. I laughed so much seeing him hit the water in his clothes until he stood up in the middle of the pool and shouted “I've got everybody's phones in my pockets!”

MK: “We were playing a team building activity called ‘Chairs’. We were split into groups (each with a different task) and the team leader had to explain what it was by mime. Unfortunately no one could understand the team leaders and it ended up being a race to get as many chairs as possible. So each group fought hard to steal chairs from the other, and I remember the HR manager looking at us, counting broken chairs and being afraid of occupational injuries.”

What future endeavors are you looking forward to at Kerio?

BT: “There is much more we can do at Kerio. I want to grow our markets to their complete potential, and then exceed them!”

PD: “The best thing about the future is that you know nothing about it. It can bring anything. Something interesting. Something nice. And it always comes eventually.”

MK: “I am looking forward to working closer with our distributors, resellers and all those people out there who support our products.”

LP: “I’m looking forward to the day when Kerio enters the stock market.”

BC: “Beating Office 365!”

If you like what you’ve read in this blog post make sure you check out our vacancies. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and G+ to keep up to date with the latest Kerio news.

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About the Author

As HR Director, Jitka is responsible for implementing global initiatives for recruitment, employee satisfaction, health and well being, training and development. She has been working at Kerio for more than 10 years, using her HR knowledge at both a strategic and local level.

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